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What To Do Before, During and After a Hurricane

Writer's picture: Bob NewlandBob Newland

With autumn comes falling leaves, football, kids returning to school, and, unfortunately, the threat of hurricanes and extreme storms.

See below for some tips by one of our insurance partners at Selective Insurance which can help you prepare for what to do before, during and after a hurricane.

Contact McPherson & Newland Insurance at (908) 782-3710 and we’ll make sure you have the proper coverage for things like flood. water back up, wind, hail and more!



  • Build or restock an emergency preparedness kit. Be sure to include key items like a flashlight, batteries, cash and first aid supplies.

  • Bring in items, such as outdoor furniture, that the wind can blow away.

  • Have drinking water ready for use.

  • Be sure to keep your primary vehicle in good working condition and keep the gas tank full. Stock it with emergency supplies and a fresh change of clothes.

  • Plan how to communicate with family members if you lose power – even consider building an emergency communication plan.

  • Turn off propane tanks and unplug small appliances.


  • Close storm shutters and stay away from windows, as flying glass from broken windows could be dangerous.

  • If you are outside, move to higher ground and do not walk, swim or drive through floodwater.

  • If power is lost, be sure to use a flashlight. Using candles can pose an unnecessary fire risk.

  • Turn your refrigerator or freezer to its coldest setting and open it only when necessary. If you lose power, this could help preserve your food supplies.

  • Watch or listen to a TV or radio for the latest weather updates or emergency instructions. Many city or county websites also often supply updates every 30 minutes or so.


  • Avoid walking or driving through floodwaters. Just six inches of moving water can knock you over and fast-moving water can sweep your vehicle away.

  • Avoid any floodwater that may be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines. In addition, be extra vigilant as floodwater could be hiding dangerous debris and areas where the ground has washed away.

  • Only return home when authorities indicate it is safe. Be sure to keep in touch with friends and family so they know that you are safe.


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